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How To Heal From Heartbreak
(Or At Least Feel Less Broken)

An interactive guide to help you work through the overlooked grief of a breakup.

Breakups are messy. They’re emotional. They’re raw. But all of that pain doesn’t go away after the initial break. It sticks around—sometimes for a long time, sometimes forever—like grief. Whether you were the dumper or the dumpee, if you were together for four months or four years, going from a “we” to a “me” is not simple.

This journal is the nonjudgmental friend you can share all of your feelings with. With questions that hit all of the stages, from shock and anger all the way to sort-of-acceptance, you will learn more about yourself and what you want in a relationship. And most important, you will learn that the love you gave was never—and will never be—a waste.

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I have a newsletter where we explore emotional messes & have intimate conversations.

© 2022 Carissa Potter. 

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